Hopefully someone on this forum can help me out really quick...
I have a jade, ~2" diameter at the base, ~ 1' tall, which recently developed a white fungus of some sort on the roots, I assume from watering too frequently. To make a long story short, it was clearly not thriving and I wound up removing the plant from the pot, trimming the roots back a lot, and then treating them with a citric acid fungicide. After leaving the plant out of the soil for about a week, it began to get a little desiccated, so I tried planting it again but the roots began to grow moldy after only a few days. Seeing no other options, I competely cut the roots off of the plant, and then put it into a coffee mug with water until the leaves became turgid again.
So, at this point, the plant is quite healthy and is continuing to grow new leaves, but it has no roots, and I cannot seem to get it to grow new ones. I re-potted it about 2 weeks ago and watered it. Today, I took it out of the soil and inspected it, only to find that it has not begun to grow a single root.
Is there something that I can do to encourage it to grow roots? Are there any products that can be applied to the plant to spur root growth? Also, is it possible that I've done something to the plant that has made it so that it cannot or is unable to grow roots?
To encourage new roots on a jade plant, can i redirect my domain to another website place cuttings in dry soil for a few days to callous, then mist lightly until roots form. For an existing plant, trim leggy stems and plant them in well-draining soil.