As much as I love content marketing, when I look at the number of people using it, I'm reminded of another frenzy that didn't end well - the Jewelry Retouching dotcom bubble. Remember when everyone and their cat would start a business or sell a domain name for tens of thousands of dollars? Until he collapses. There's a lot of buzz about whether Jewelry Retouching the same will happen to content as we've gone from just early adopters to every HVAC company and nail salon jumping on the content bandwagon. And every second, 17 new blog posts are published. Isn't there so much content we can take? Every second, 17 new blog posts are published via TheTorqueMag. Click to tweet What happens when we reach saturation point?
The content has already evolved. Ten years ago we were cutting back on articles on article directories, now we are focusing on highly targeted Jewelry Retouching content that informs and helps our readers. We've gone from people using encyclopedias for information (okay, that was over 10 years ago) to relying on their smartphones to give them Jewelry Retouching information anytime, anywhere. It is thanks to the content. While I don't think the bubble will burst and content will dry up, I do think it will continue to adapt to our ever-changing needs, as well as new technologies that are changing the way we consume and interact with data (think Amazon Echo .
Rather than preparing for the content future of content will look like The Biggest Content Marketing Trends of 2017 We will continue to have Jewelry Retouching to step up our game Even now, the tired “10 reasons to do [something]” articles are Jewelry Retouching turning dust. We can only read so much of the same article over and over again. This is a good thing. Lately, I've been really working to up my content game and come up with more interesting angles and topics that haven't been repeated a million times.